Reports until 16:08, Tuesday 21 May 2013
LHO General
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:08, Tuesday 21 May 2013 (6446)
OPS Summary
- septic tank servicing
- Jim to SEI test stand to swap cable and reboot
- Cyrus/Filiberto/Jim to EY to hook up fibers
- Pablo in H2 PSL (or H0 LE?) with a laser on, doing p-cal work
- Doug at EX doing IAS work
- Volker in H1 PSL enclosure to look at oscillating ISS (trouble started last week)
- Patrick reboots of weather and dust
- Dave/Vincent multiple DAC reboots
- Sheila EY to Laser Hazard
- Hanford Fire here to check a panel, #9020, OSB, and was OK - probably a small power glitch that cleared itself

Current Issues:
- Beckoff in the LVEA is acting up - Patrick/Sheila/Dave are looking into it