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Reports until 16:55, Friday 19 August 2022
craig.cahillane@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:55, Friday 19 August 2022 (64582)
Checked OMC Finesse via single-bounce OMC scans
We are baffled by our apparently low OMC transmission (alog 64240).

To check the health of the OMC, I looked at an April single bounce 50 W OMC scan and fit a Lorentzian to the +45_00 peak.
I found the HWHM to be 0.338 MHz.

We looked up the FSR of the OMC to be 265 MHz: DCC T1000276

The finesse of the OMC in April was 395, which is around 2% lower than the 400 measured by Koji when installed.  Definitely not enough to account for our "low OMC transmission".
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