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Reports until 14:56, Monday 22 August 2022
georgia.mansell@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:56, Monday 22 August 2022 (64600)
Pico'd ASC-AS_B

Jenne, Georgia

Lately when we have tried to move the OMC for dither alignment, or to minimize the output jitter coupling, we have been railing the OMC suspension. Most of the drive was in the length DOF, and full lock we were sending ~38k counts to SUS-OMC-M1_ASC_L_OUT16.  Edit: the drive which is saturating the OMC coil drivers is actually pitch! On Friday we pico'd AS_B to offload some of that drive on OM1 and OM2 (via the DC centering loops).

To get set up:

To determine and set the pico position:

Looking at our long lock from the weekend, the length asc signal was still the largest at around 10k counts, but at least we pico'd in the right direction. We're hopeful this is enough that we can switch to the OMC dither alignment without causing lockloss.

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