Reports until 10:53, Wednesday 22 May 2013
greg.grabeel@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:53, Wednesday 22 May 2013 (6464)
Corner station HEPI

HAMs 1, 3, 5, 6 and BSCs 1, 2, 3 are in flushing configuration now. HAM 2 is in the operational configuration. Fluid was added to the reservoir on Tuesday as it was tripping for low level. Adding HAMs 5 and 6 has made a large difference in the max pressure we've seen from the pumps. Most likely we've cut out the low resistance flow areas now. Once HAM 4 is set to purge there should be another large pressure jump if this guess is right.

We are currently at 52.5 psi from a 1970 pump speed.

P.S. Switching off Servo Control caused a situation where 3 motors tripped out and only 1 motor was being driven from the remote. The other 3 pump controllers needed to be reset and put into run mode to operate normally again. 

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