Reports until 15:40, Thursday 23 May 2013
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:40, Thursday 23 May 2013 (6487)
ETMx Phase 1B TFs

After Betsy and Travis aligned the ETMx (6423) but before they swapped out the M0F1 OSEM (6448ff), I took TFs on M0 and R0. Because the quad test stand had not been fired up in some time it took a lot of wrestling with the screens, settings and scripts (6443). Eventually I got the following undamped TFs:



The M0 data has a dropout at low frequency in L, but fortunately it doesn't obscure any of the peaks. The agreement with the model was excellent in all DOFs except that initially the pitch frequencies did not line up. Then Betsy reminded me that one of the retrofits applied since this suspension was last tested (2117) was to suspend the metal PUM on the same wire loop that will be used for the glass build. That amounts to changing the effective d2 from 10 mm to 0.3 mm. I created a new model (tag: wireloop, parameter file: quadopt_wireloop.m) with this change, and the pitch frequencies came into good agreement. This can be seen on p5 of the first attachment, where the old model coincided with the orange curve from the previous build but the new model (blue) agrees with the current build (black). This new model should be used for all metal builds with wire loops in future.

Similarly the R0 data is good and agrees with the model in all DOFs except pitch. However this is presumably just the usual cabling effect - the previous and current builds are the same.

No mechanical adjustments appear necessary to either chain - I'll get damped TFs and spectra soon.

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