Displaying report 1-1 of 1.
Reports until 18:04, Tuesday 06 July 2010
cyrus.reed@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:04, Tuesday 06 July 2010 (65)
Current Status
Reseated 10GbE card on h2daqfw1 (slot 5) which seems to have cleared up the bus timeout messages from dmesg.  That should be fixed, unless issues return.

I forgot to add in the previous report that disabling the option ROMs in the BIOS for all slots except 0 (the RAID controller), and removing the network cards from the boot list considerably improves the boot time.  Counting memory on startup is still slow, as is applying power for the first time (the iLOM controller must boot first in that case).  Will see if there is some setting for the iLOM that can get around this.

Have also finished installing the cards in the H1 DAQ x4270s, and installed Solaris 10 so they are also ready to go (minus user accounts, iLOM setup, etc.).  Did not see any glaring hardware issues.  These two machines are now re-boxed in the MSR.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.