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Reports until 16:47, Monday 19 September 2022
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:47, Monday 19 September 2022 (65032)
HAM7 SQZ IR and Green co-alignment fixed with H:M2

Louis, Sheila, Keita, Camilla 

In alog 65021 Sheila found the green and IR beams near FC1 weren't good, ~1/2 beam radius apart. We adjusted SQZ FC green steering 2 (pico #3 on the HAM7+SQZT7 picomotor screen) H:M2 in yaw from X = -1000 to X = -500 to co-align the beams near FC1. We checked the near co-alignment between A:DC3 and just after Z:M1 and it was good without any further movement. We also checked with a camera, see attached photos. 

Louis and I then locked the OPOS / VOPO and in turned tapped on the optics in the FC path (H:BS1, H:POL1, H:M1, H:M2, H:M3) while watching the green beam for wiggles then checking the co-alignment of IR and green after each. Nothing in particular seemed more loose than anything else. 

Note: we left the OPOS locked but we didn't care about the OPOS osem values when we locked it.

Images attached to this report
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