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Reports until 16:20, Tuesday 20 September 2022
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:20, Tuesday 20 September 2022 (65043)
SQZT0 CLF/SEED fiber switch broken since 16:57 UTC

Sheila, Daniel, Austin, Camilla

From 16:57UTC this morning there was no SEED light getting into HAM7. This is 10 minutes after I unlocked the OPO IR Dither lock, see attached plot. Austin and I checked that was is still seed light entering the SQZT0 SOPO fiber coupler and we confirmed there was no SEED light and only a very dim CLF beam coming out of the in-chamber fiber F:COL1. 

Sheila and Daniel measured in SQZT0:
SEED: 150mW into the SQZT7 fiber collimator, nothing at the table feed through.
CLF: 1.3mW into the SQZT7 fiber collimator, 70uW at the table feed through and 100uW out of the fiber switch. We saw no CLF leakage to SEED.

It appears 150mW is too much and has broken the fiber switch. H1:SQZ-SEED_LAUNCH_DC_POWERMON read 132mW the power into the fiber. We had increased this from 13mW to 130mW over Tuesday 09/13 and Wednesday 09/14. We're leaving it at 50mW now.

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