Reports until 08:59, Thursday 22 September 2022
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:59, Thursday 22 September 2022 (65063)
Removed CLF/SEED fiber switch and temporally replaced with SEED only fiber

Sheila, Daniel, Camilla 

After finding the SQZT0 CLF/SEED fiber switch (spec'ed for max 105mW Thorlabs linkD1700326) was broken in alog 65043, we removed it and temporally replaced with 5m APC APC 191070-003-008 patch fiber between SEED SOPO coupler and the SQZT0 CLF feedthough. Until the switch has been replaced, we'll only be able to use the seed beam. 

I aligned the beam into the fiber coupler, 20mW into coupler, 17mW out of 1st fiber. After we minimized light on the CLF rejected PD to 0.3mW with the half and quarter waveplates on SQZT0, Sheila measured 11-13mW on the CLF refl path on SQZT7, the PD measured 10mW so we can re-check this calibration. Thoughput from SQZT7 to HAM7 > 50%. When we swapped the polirization to maximize light on the in-vac rej PD we only measured 2.5mW so we should re-check this alignment and calibration once the OPOS is unlocked.

Note: we were initially confused about the amount of power we were sending into the the seed coupler as the seed PD is using a small pick off of uW's so is sensitive to the table lights being on or off: reads 20mW with lights off, 50mW with lights on. 

We also re-checked the stability of the H-path as in alog 65032 and found no loose optics. 

Images attached to this report