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Reports until 11:54, Tuesday 28 May 2013
richard.savage@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:54, Tuesday 28 May 2013 (6519)
Fit check of Pcal Installation Entry Pad (LIGO-D1300379) at EndX
We assembles the Pcal Installation Entry Pad assembly this morning and did a fit check while the C3 fabric cover was on the opening of the A7 Adapter.

Everything seems to fit up as expected.

We left the assembly, including the teflon Installation Highway Strips (D1300493) in the opening of the A7 Adapter.

We plan to return on June 10 to continue with the Pcal installation.

Hopefully we will have fabricated a set of properly-fitting flange protectors for the A7 Adapter flange by then.  We will make a set for LLO too.

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