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Reports until 16:14, Tuesday 28 May 2013
LHO General
gerardo.moreno@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:14, Tuesday 28 May 2013 (6530)
Operation Summary

Activities for today:
- Craig C, at X-End Station, p-cal work, prep.
- Rick S. at X-End station, p-cal work, prep.
- Filiberto C. in the LVEA to run cable for ITM-Y spool camera.
- Richard M. in the LVEA to help out with camera work.
- Michael R. to PSL, PSL was down for today, he is looking into it, cooling issues.
- Cheryl V. to LVEA, IOT2L measurements.
- Pablo doing work inside the H2-Laser enclosure.
- Kiwamu to LVEA to fix cable at table IOT2L, done.
- Apollo working in the LVEA and at the X-End station, cleanroom work, among other tasks.

- Paradise water in site to deliver water.
- Monthly test from Hanford, no action required, emergency sirens test happened between 12:45 pm and 1:45 pm.
- Praxair, one load delivery of LN2, CP3, no alarms, currently at 92.7%.


PSL will be down for the rest of day.

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.