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Reports until 10:05, Wednesday 29 May 2013
arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:05, Wednesday 29 May 2013 (6531)
lsc/mc1/mc3 model update

[Mark B. Arnaud P.]

Models for lsc, mc1 and mc3 have been modified after Keita and Chris reported an issue (aLog 6510)

lsc model : edited h1lsc.mdl to add IPC ouputs H1:LSC-MC1_L_SUSMC1 and H1:LSC-MC3_L_SUSMC3 (first screenshot)

mc1 and mc3 : edited h1susmc1.mdl and h1susmc3.mdl to receive the new LSC signals and some ASC IPC signals already being generated by h1ascimc.mdl (second and third screenshots)

The L/P/Y values are now set to zeros, since no signal is being sent from LSC (fourth screenshot)

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