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Reports until 11:38, Wednesday 29 May 2013
john.worden@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:38, Wednesday 29 May 2013 (6536)
LVEA Pumpdown

Shown are two pressure gauges on the vertex volume in the LVEA. 20 days are plotted.

The steps down in pressure are due to the addition of main ion pumps and finally the addition of the YARM 80K pump. There appears to be little or no slope so we are suspecting a leak somewhere. Once the H1 laser is restored to operation we will proceed to opening the LVEA and the Yend to the tube. Leak checking will proceed in parallel as we do not want to leak into the tube for an extended period of time.

The pressure in the 80k pump(CP1) is currently 3e-8 torr - this is representative of what the tube will be exposed to. Tradionally we have been closer to 1e-8 when we open to the tube.

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