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Reports until 16:40, Wednesday 29 May 2013
gregory.mendell@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:40, Wednesday 29 May 2013 (6547)
Archiving of H1 raw full-frame data for HIFOY

DCS (LDAS) has started saving all the H1 raw full-frame data from the DAQ (CDS) filesystems to its archive filesystem,


starting from 1053900000 GPS == May 29 2013 14:59:44 PDT == May 29 2013 21:59:44 UTC. We will continue to do this until HIFOY ends.

We also continue to save the minute-trends, second-trends, and PEM channels under:




All the above types of data are archived and available at LHO and CIT.

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