Displaying report 1-1 of 1.
Reports until 16:51, Wednesday 29 May 2013
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:51, Wednesday 29 May 2013 (6548)
More X1 admin

* I created a symlink release->trunk in /opt/rtcds/userapps so that various other redirections could look the same on H1 vs. X1.

* I copy'n'pasted Jeff K's optimized damping filter definitions from H1:ITMY (where they had been installed by Arnaud), altering names as appropriate.

* I entered the gains from design_damping_QUAD_20130501.m and checked that I got stable damping.

* I used the save_safe_snap.m script to make a new /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/sus/x1/burtfiles/x1susquad_safe.snap and checked that it was linked to from /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/x1susquad/x1susquadepics/burt . I committed the new safe.snap.

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.