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Reports until 10:38, Thursday 30 May 2013
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:38, Thursday 30 May 2013 (6558)
H1ASC model running

[Alexa, Kiwamu]

The h1asc model, which is something we haven't had before, got complied, built and installed today. Now it seems running fine. All the screens were adapted to the H1 convention.


A local mod:

We made a local mod in the PSL-PWR_REQUEST channel. Since we don't have the capability to do a PCIe communication to send some values over from another machine to h1asc0 we had to get rid of this part temporarily. The sceenshot below shows the modification point we made. We replaced the communication block by an epicsIn block which is accessible through a channel name of H1:ASC-PSL_PWR_REQUEST.

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