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Reports until 15:18, Tuesday 08 November 2022
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:18, Tuesday 08 November 2022 - last comment - 09:34, Friday 18 November 2022(65639)
Understanding PR3's SUS Point Displacement from GND and HAM2 ISI
J. Kissel

In trying to understand what Elenna has discovered in LHO:65495, where she showed -- through a multi-channel coherence wiener filter projection -- that PR3 V and HAM1 X/RY are dominating the REFL WFS performance. 

Since I have a tough time grokking the physical mechanism when looking at a multi-channel coherent projection, I figured I'd start back at what I do understand -- how the ground couples to the suspension point of PR3. Much like in LHO:64466 where I highlight the difference between 
    - FC1's HAM7 ISI with ST0 FF L4Cs and lower noise "fine" Vertical CPS ("BEST SO FAR")
    - SRM's HAM5 ISI with ST0 L4C feed-forward and higher noise "coarse" Vertical CPS, and ("GOOD")
I use this aLOG to highlight 
    - PR3's HAM2 ISI that has no ST0 FF L4Cs and higher noise "coarse" Vertical CPS.

I'm using the exact same time -- 2022-Aug-11 18:00 UTC -- in order to make a fair comparison between all three chambers. I am using the HAM2 GND T240 rather than the HAM5 GND T240, however, as my reference for ground motion.

As with my LHO:64466 and Elenna's LHO:65495, there are 1000 plots to show so I try to take them in bite size chunks. In the main entry here I talk about PR3 longitudinal and pitch. In the subsequent comments I'll show Vertical (whose SUS POINT motion we know is *not* coherent), then Yaw, then the less interesting T and R, and close out with showing the raw cartesian ISI displacement to eventually make a model of the HAM2 ISI performance a la CSWG:11236, that I can then use to update the total noise budget of the PR3 (HLTS) optic much like I've been doing for the HSTSs a la LHO:65317.

So, first, PR3's L and P.
    :: 2022-08-12_H1SUSPR3_Suspoint_L_ASD.png shows the ISI cartesian contributions to PR3 longitudinal. As with SRM, but worse, PR3's 0.5 Hz to 20 Hz longitudinal motion is entirely dominated by ISI CART_RX, which is limited by the coarse CPS noise. This has been known for quite some time; it's the whole reason why the we pushed to get the HAM ISIs upgraded to use the lower noise "fine" CPS. But, I'm not used to looking at HAM2 / HAM3 chambers, where there's no ST0 L4C feed-forward either. Quite a stark contrast! The HEPI pier resonance structure between 10-20 Hz is a bit louder, and more broad than how it appears from HAM5 in SRM's SUS Point L ASD.

    :: 2022-08-12_H1SUSPR3_Suspoint_P_ASD.png shows the sus point pitch ASD dominated by HAM2 ISI RY, which you can compare against SRM's sus point pitch ASD dominated by HAM5 ISI RX. Here, I think there might be room for improvement on the HAM2 RY blend filters, since the tables are symmetric in X & Y (and thus RX and RY), and RX DOF from HAM5 ISI appears to show better performance in the 0.5 to 5 Hz region.

These ASDs alone doesn't really answer any questions I had from Elenna's WFS budget, but I wanted to start investigating coupling paths -- especially for the 10-20 Hz region. As in -- we see that there's multi-channel coherence between the HAM1 Table Top L4Cs. But the mystery is why when Jim's tried feed-foward from HAM1 Table Top L4Cs to CHARD P, he does NOT have success. So ... is there a another coupling path that has similar coherence to the REFL WFS that moves both the HAM1 TT L4Cs and the HAM2 ISI in this frequency region?
So I thought -- the HAM1 L4Cs contribution to the REFL WFS is predominantly from the X and RY DOFs -- and the "let's fix it with L4C FF" mentality is motivated by the thought that the REFL WFS sensors themselves are moving differentially w.r.t. to the REFL laser beam thus creating "sensor noise," i.e. a coupling path that is

   GND X >> HAM1 Table X and RY >> WFS Sensors >> Confusing CHARD

But those X and RY DOFs are the same longitudinal direction as the longitudinal direction HAM2 for PR3. And if that motion is between 10-20 Hz, I wondered, has the coherent path between that's instead

   GND X >> HAM2 ISI RY >> PR3 suspoint L >> PR3 Optic P >> Confusing CHARD

GND X (or Y, or Z) are coherent through both paths, then we might have more success feeding forward to PR3 than to the REFL WFS or the CHARD error signal.

So, I'm not sure if I'm convinced that I've discovered that that is what's happening to REFL WFS, but I attach supporting plots to see if it helps motivate the story. 

Here're those calibrated transfer functions, and I've cast them into meters of GND to meters of RY *contribution* to Sus Point L and P via the projection matrix lever arm shown in the legends of the above ASDs.
    :: 2022-08-12_H1GNDHAM2_XY_to_H1SUSPR3_Suspoint_L_TF.png indeed shows a (m/m) transmission from GND X to HAM2 ISI RY's contribution to L that takes the same shape as the total GND X to PR3 Sus Point L for *some* of the 10-20 Hz hump -- between 13-14 Hz. 

    :: 2022-08-12_H1GNDHAM2_XY_to_H1SUSPR3_Suspoint_P_TF.png shows the same GND X to HAM2 ISI RY, but instead shows its contribution to PR3's Sus Point P in (rad / m). Here, and I'm not sure I get why, but the contribution's coherence in the 10-20 Hz region matches the shape of the transfer function of the higher frequency part of the hump, spanning ~15 - 25 Hz.

    :: 2022-08-12_H1GNDHAM2_Z_to_H1SUSPR3_Suspoint_L_TF.png shows the (m/m) transmission of GND Z to HAM2 ISI's RY contribution to PR3 Sus Point L. While there is a striking about of coherence -- the magnitude of the transfer function is at least smaller than the GND X to ISI RY. 

    :: 2022-08-12_H1GNDHAM2_Z_to_H1SUSPR3_Suspoint_P_TF.png shows the (rad/m) transmission of GND Z to HAm2 ISI's RY contribution to PR3 Sus Point P. Like GND X, the GND Z contribution to PR3 Sus Point P takes a different shape than it's contribution to Sus Point L, but still strikingly coherent.

The message from these transfer function sets -- this is why we need multi-channel coherent projections -- GND X, GND Y, and GND Z are all finding coherent coupling paths to HAM2 ISI RY in this 10-20 Hz region. 
Further, although the transfer function magnitude for GND Z is smaller than for GND X by a factor of ~10x, the *amplitude* of the GND Z motion in the 10-20 Hz region is a factor of ~10x larger [I'll show this when I show the Sus-Point V results in the comments below], resulting in similar levels of RY -- and thus PR3 sus point L -- from each DOF.

On to the next DOFs.
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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 15:46, Tuesday 08 November 2022 (65665)CSWG, ISC, SEI, SUS
Here're the plots for PR3's sus point Vertical.

2022-08-12_H1SUSPR3_Suspoint_V_ASD.png shows the amplitude spectral density of the GND Z motion, and all of the HAM2 ISI Cart DOFS that contribute to PR3's Sus Point Vertical. 
    - This is perhaps more interesting that the Sus Point L and P contributions, because Elenna's REFL WFS budget from LHO:65495 shows that a good majority of the REFL WFS motion is coming from what's reported by the M1 OSEMs in PR3 Vertical. In her aLOG / Budget, this is what is meant when she says "PR3 Damping" -- it's the channel H1:SUS-PR3_M1_DAMP_IN1_DQ which has "DAMP" in the name -- but it's not necessarily damping loop noise -- it's merely the error signal of the damping loops; the suppressed displacement of the top mass. So this may come from Sus Point motion, or from DAC noise, or from loop-suppressed / loop-reinjected OSEM sensor noise. [This will be better elucidated once I get to updating the PR3 optic / HLTS noise budget...]
    - Unlike L and P, PR3's Sus Point V is very much dominated by direct transmission of GND Z, especially in the 5 Hz to 30 Hz region -- it is NOT limited by the Z blend filter's roll off of the coarse vertical CPS noise.
    - In fact, likely because of the lack of ST0 FF L4Cs, The direction transmission of GND Z is much larger than that of SRM via HAM5 motion, with only barely an order of magnitude suppression of ground motion of the large ~13 Hz HEPI pier resonant feature.
    - The RY -- and just underneath it RX -- dominates the contribution to PR3 Sus Point V between 0.5 Hz and 2 Hz. So, even if we can't improve the ISI Z displacement with fine CPS, we can at least improve PR3's Sus Point V by again improving the RX and RY DOFs.
    - Finally, as mentioned in the main aLOG above, the GND Z displacement noise amplitude in this 5-30 Hz region is about ~10x larger than in X and Y.

https://alog.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/aLOG/uploads/65665_20221108151908_2022-08-12_H1GNDHAM2_XY_to_H1SUSPR3_Suspoint_V_TF.png shows the transmission, in (m/m), and coherence of GND X and Y to ISI Z and PR3 Sus Point V. I don't show the contribution of GND X & Y to ISI RX and RY's contribution to Sus Point Z because the coherence just isn't that large. Nothing really fruitful here, I just show it for completeness.

2022-08-12_H1GNDHAM2_Z_to_H1SUSPR3_Suspoint_V_TF.png shows the transmission, in (m/m), between GNDZ and the HAM2 ISI Z, RX, and RY's contribution to Sus Point V. As you might expect from the vertical ASD plot, the direct GND Z to ISI Z completely dominates the Sus Point V transfer function from 5 to 30 Hz, and the magnitude at its worst parts is only ~0.1.

So, I'm not sure I'm saying anything that hasn't been said once or twice before, but it's quite impressive to see and say out loud. Especially comparing PR3's vertical ASD on HAM2 against FC1's vertical ASD on HAM7.
Again, we'll see how much of this vertical motion is actually contributing to the vertical motion of the optic, and how much that matters for the IFO (maybe via the PR3 bounce mode at 27 Hz?), but adding ST0 L4Cs and improving the CPS from coarse to fine should *definitely* improve the PR3 vertical motion.
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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 15:55, Tuesday 08 November 2022 (65668)
Elenna's Yaw Budget seems to say that, unlike Pitch, the multi-channel coherence with the HAM1 table top L4Cs is subdominant to that of the PR3 vertical motion in the 5-30 Hz region. This one I don't really understand at all. Is there really PR3 V motion as measured by the top mass OSEMs really coupling to Yaw of the PR3 optic?

Welp, I was grabbing every other DOF, so might as well look at yaw. In short, there's really nothing fruitful looking at yaw.

    :: 2022-08-12_H1SUSPR3_Suspoint_Y_ASD.png shows the amplitude spectral density of Yaw, which is entirely driven by HAM ISI RZ. The amplitude of yaw is really quite low compared to pitch.

Further, there is no coherent coupling from GND X & Y,
    :: 2022-08-12_H1GNDHAM2_XY_to_H1SUSPR3_Suspoint_Y_TF.png
or from GND Z
    :: 2022-08-12_H1GNDHAM2_Z_to_H1SUSPR3_Suspoint_Y_TF.png

Moving on.
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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 16:16, Tuesday 08 November 2022 (65671)CSWG, ISC, SEI, SUS
And finally, the raw cartesian displacement of ISI HAM2 during this time, for comparison against HAM5 and HAM7, and use in projecting to any suspension on HAM2.

Stay tuned for an update to seisHAM.m in the SusSVN and seisHAM.m in the lesser known location in the SeiSVN.
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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 16:04, Tuesday 08 November 2022 (65670)CSWG, ISC, SEI
The story of PR3's SusPoint T and R is much like that of the main story of L and P, since (a) the ISI is symmetric in X and Y -- and thus RX and RY, and (2) the HLTS is sitting roughly in the middle of the table. But, because T and R don't nominally couple into the IFO, these DOFS are relegated to "less important" and the last comment.

Perhaps most interestingly as an "anti-clue:" the GND Z coupling to ISI Y and RX contributions to PR3 Sus Point T (shown in 2022-08-12_H1GNDHAM2_Z_to_H1SUSPR3_Suspoint_T_TF.png) is much less coherent than Z coupling to ISI X and RY contributions to PR3 Sus Point L (shown in 2022-08-12_H1GNDHAM2_Z_to_H1SUSPR3_Suspoint_L_TF.png).

Of course, this may just be the orientation of the ISI w.r.t. the cross-beams.

But, for those who've made it all the way to this comment and are still interested, here's the plots for T and R.
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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 09:34, Friday 18 November 2022 (65857)CSWG, ISC, SEI, SUS
It turns out, the during the time at which I chose to characterize the performance of HAM2 was a time when the ISI's RX and RY blend filters were in the wrong / old / worse performance state because the improvements were badly saved setting in the SDFs.

The "bad" former filter is called "notch_rolloff" and lives in FM8.
The "better" new filter is called "many_notches" and lives in FM10.

HAM2 had been running the worse-performance "notch_rolloff" for many years.

The improvement, "many_notches," was originally installed in Jun 2022 (LHO:63627). 
During maintenance on Tuesday, Aug 09 2022 the switch over to the new filter was inadvertently reverted (no aLOG). 
Jim restored the better blend filters on Sep 2 2022 (LHO:64832), and it has remained in this configuration since, now properly captured in SDF.

So, all of this analysis, using time three days after "notch_rolloff" got accidentally reverted -- Aug 11 2022 18:00 UTC -- needs to be redone during a time with the improved "many_notches" blend filters.

See attached trend of the time line and a comparison between the blend filters.
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