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Reports until 15:52, Thursday 30 May 2013
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:52, Thursday 30 May 2013 (6568)
PSL tripped, back up

The PSL shut off today when the oscillator internal shutter was accidentally closed. This caused the power watchdog on the oscillator to trip as it couldn't lock to the frontend and the power dropped.

I found the laptop in the laser room (which remotely connects to the Beckhoff computer in the diode room) glitching, as the pointer was randomly moving and rapidly left-clicking even though I wasn't touching it. It looks like it wandered over to the internal shutter button where it clicked and closed the shutter. Thankfully to open the shutter a new window pops up with a warning of a possible Q-switch, and the button to confirm this is in a different position. The pointer was not able to move over to this area and open the shutter. I restarted the laptop which fixed the problem, and was able to bring back the laser. I closed the remote desktop client to ensure this couldn't happen again.

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