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Reports until 06:23, Friday 31 May 2013
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 06:23, Friday 31 May 2013 (6579)
IMC WFS demod phase doublechecked and some were readjusted

[Alexa, Kiwamu]

We are ready for closing the WFS loops.

We excited MC3_M1_P at around 3 Hz with an amplitude of 10 counts by AWG. Monitoring the peak in DTT we minimized a signal leaked in the Q-phase. The WFS-A looked perfect and we didn't re-adjust it at all. As for WFS-B we adjusted segment 2 (whose cable was replaced) and segment 3. Plus, later on we flipped the sign of all the segments by further rotating the demod phases by 180 degs in order to have the same signal sign as that of WFS-A.

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