Reports until 13:15, Thursday 24 March 2011
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:15, Thursday 24 March 2011 (658)
Q3 Build and Q2 Re-Build update
Q3 - The final ECD blocks were added to the Main Chain.  TFs were taken before and after the ECD blocks were installed, for comparisons.  We currently do not have a spec on where to set the ECD blocks, so we'll need someone to look at the plots to discuss.  Unfortunately, there is a problem with DTT's ability to re-display saved REF traces in saved files, so I don't have good plots to upload here.  Jim Batch is looking into this problem which apparenly has been a problem in the controlroom as well.

Q2 has been re-hung in the LSAT, refitted as an ITM with weights as per the following:

PenRe = 59,289 g
TCP dummy = 20,032 g
PEN = 39,710 +/-20 g
TM = 39,610 +/- 20 g

The blades of the UIM and Top Masses had been reset to the new lower blade tip parameter set on the bench, so the hang from the UIM down on the LSAT was quite easy - very minimal adjustments made to the blade tip heights and lateral positions.