Reports until 15:20, Friday 18 November 2022
louis.dartez@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:20, Friday 18 November 2022 - last comment - 09:10, Monday 21 November 2022(65860)
Updated PyDARM model format

pyDARM is currently in active development in preparation for O4. pyDARM alpha release 0.0.6 requires an update to several parameter names in the pyDARM model parameter file. Without these changes, the version of pyDARM that is installed on the CDS workstations will not work. I've made the relevant changes to the latest "good" parameter set so that pyDARM testing and development can continue on the workstations. 

The new parameter set is at /ligo/gitcommon/Calibration/ifo/pydarmparams/pydarm_modelparams_PostO3_H1_20221118.ini. Note that the it is marked with today's date but does not reflect the state of the interferometer post vent. This is for searching/indexing purposes. The parameters in that file are from Jeff's 20220527 parameter set (see LHO63450). 



Relevant links:
* alog LHO63450: Jeff creates the 20220527 parameter file
* alog LHO65497: Discussion on why we are preferring the 20220527 parameter set over the more recent 20220614 set
* pyDARM MR 150: pyDARM merge that enforces new parameter set format
* old parameter file for 20220527: /ligo/gitcommon/Calibration/ifo/pydarmparams/pydarm_modelparams_PostO3_H1_20220527.ini
* new parameter file, titled 20221118: /ligo/gitcommon/Calibration/ifo/pydarmparams/pydarm_modelparams_PostO3_H1_20221118.ini

Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 09:10, Monday 21 November 2022 (65916)CAL
Commenting with the Primary Task to CAL and Tagging CAL.