Sheila, Daniel, Nutsinee, Vicky
FC locked on green looks very quiet, it can stay locked for minutes at a time with only VCO feedback. With working PDH (albeit still small signal), we got the slow output for mass feedback to FC2 working today: here is a screenshot showing FCGS locked with both fast feedback to VCO + slow mass feedback to FC2. Sheila and Daniel imported filters from MC2 to FC2, for all three stages M1, M2, M3. NOTE: MC2's M1 stage has an integrator in slot FM1 that our SQZ_FC guardian will need to clear history on when we lose fcgs lock. Not clear that we need to feedback to all 3 stages of FC2 HSTS. FCGS CMB output readbacks into epics are shown here-- you can see that with SLOW output engaged for mass feedback (which we do by setting FC_LSC_DOF1_GAIN), the burden is taken off the fast cmb output , so fastmon gets smaller. We have calibrated our cmb fast path readback to the VCO into Hz, and the slow cmb path readback (FC_SERVO_SLOW) output in counts.
We also took transfer functions for FC2 TF with FC_LSC_DOF1_GAIN=300, we will update the FC_LSC_DOF1_GAIN to 200 tomorrow based on this tf. Tomorrow we will set up the FC guardian to clear histories and engage lock appropriately.
Daniel has calibrated the SQZT8 transmission green PD (thorlabs PDA100A) FC_TRANS_C, and Nutsinee has populated the SQZ_CUST_SQZT8 medm screen.
The PDA100A at FC_TRANS_C has 20dB of gain selected.
The slow readout thru Beckhoff doesn't work due to a wiring error.
Naoki, Camilla, Vicky
Updated transfer function with gain of H1:SQZ-FC_LSC_DOF1_GAIN = 200 as we wanted from yesterday, crossover looks just above 10 Hz! FC green locking, incl. vco and mass feedback, are now automated with guardian.