Reports until 16:03, Tuesday 29 November 2022
louis.dartez@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:03, Tuesday 29 November 2022 (66043)
DARM Loop TFs at Calibration Line Frequencies pushed to CAL-CS Front End for TDCFs

The CAL-CS EPICS records to support the TDCFs were computed and pushed to the front end using pyDARM at 2022-11-28 19:38 UTC. 

I ran into a problem with the EPICS records re-appearing in the SDF table hours several hours (~12, accepted the records then went home and came back this morning to the values reappeared) after I accepted and "Confirmed" them. Jeff and TJ mentioned that this happens because pyDARM was computing and pushing the CAL-CS EPICS records as double-precision values while SDF can only currently handle single-precision values. I've submitted a merge request to the main pyDARM repo which takes care of casting the CAL-CS EPICS records on-the-fly to 32bit floats so as to avoid such SDF precision issues. At the time of this writing, it has now been a few hours since I accepted the latest changes (same values just recasted down to 32bits) without any SDF problems. Fingers crossed that this "fix" persists.

-- Relevant links --
- Script used to compute and push the CAL-CS values to the front end
- pyDARM merge request (!169)
List of updated EPICS records
- pyDARM model parameter file