Reports until 18:05, Tuesday 04 June 2013
jaclyn.sanders@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:05, Tuesday 04 June 2013 - last comment - 11:10, Wednesday 05 June 2013(6627)
Further adventures in arm locking

(Jax, Alexa, Stefan, Sheila, Daniel)

Arm locking achieved! 

As of 18:00 local time, we're getting lock to 00 at a level of 10000 cts on H1: ALS-Y_REFL_B_LF_OUT, out of a maximum of about 22000 cts. This is about a 50% drop. 

We've touched up the pitch and yaw to improve locking characteristics. The current positions in pitch/yaw are 

ETM: (-142.7, 197.0)

ITM: (247.5, -271.5)

The current gain on CMB-B input 1 is -18 dB. 

Comments related to this report
stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - 18:17, Tuesday 04 June 2013 (6628)
Key for the stable locking was increasing the M0_DAMP filters for Length, Pitch and Yaw from a gain of 1 to 5 (Vincent pointed me to it.).
This quieted down the cavity angular motion enough that it became possible to do a good manual alignment. (see Jax' elog for alignment values).
(This also confirms that the 0.5Hz pich motion we observed was due to the Quads.)

Now the alignment is very steady, and almost all of our lock losses are associated with H1:ALS-Y_REFL_FMON_OUT reaching plus or minus 5000 counts, indicating a control signal range problem.
stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - 18:36, Tuesday 04 June 2013 (6629)
Some screen shots for documenting the state.
Images attached to this comment
alexan.staley@LIGO.ORG - 18:37, Tuesday 04 June 2013 (6630)
(Jax, Alexa)

Attached is a picture of the transfer function for the ALS cavity locking common mode board B of excitation A. (Note the two different images have a different y-axis scale). 
Images attached to this comment
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - 20:41, Tuesday 04 June 2013 (6632)
We changed the settings of the ALS laser at the end station, they are now:
diode current 1.842
diode temp: 31.38
SHG crystal temp: 33.81

We also looked at the transfer function for the PLL. With the settings we were using (in1 gain =-4, fast gain =-10, common comp and fast option enabled) the ugf was 10kHz, we have now set the in1 gain to -1dB and the ugf is 17kHz.  We are also able to enable one common boost, which has been added to the autolocker.  I also shortened the gain ramping time. 

I also changed the fiber distribution library, so that the RF mon can drift by 2dB without causing an error.  
jaclyn.sanders@LIGO.ORG - 08:54, Wednesday 05 June 2013 (6635)

As requested by Daniel, the TMS pointing is (-14400,9170). This hasn't changed from initial alignment conditions (yet).

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vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - 11:10, Wednesday 05 June 2013 (6640)

Here are the positions of the BSC-ISI. CPS offsets are presented in nm.
HEPI-BSC1: Locked
HEPI-BSC6 is control in position
ISI-BSC6: Blend at 250mHz with T240 and level 3 controller
ISI-BSC1: Blend at 250mHz with T240 and level 1 controller

June 4, 2013, 18h00PT ISI
ST1 X 28272 -22465
Y 23662 -19540
RZ -34715 -3175
Z 27000 12970
RX 41889 6608
RY -2182 -20265
ST2 X -1158 -5465
Y 2122 -4336
RZ -21183 -7981
Z 7428 15438
RX -13021 18375
RY 833 -10010