Reports until 10:16, Tuesday 13 December 2022
daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:16, Tuesday 13 December 2022 - last comment - 15:43, Tuesday 13 December 2022(66330)
OMC Wiring Update

Fil Daniel

In anticipation of an updated LSC model, we swapped the cables for the PZT1/2 drives back, see alog 66231.

We also installed a DB9 cable tee at the rear of the OMC DCPD whitening chassis for the DCPD/PI channels. Cable ISC_426 was repurposed and now connects the DCPD channels to the new OMC front-end in parallel to the old FE. Cable to old FE is ISC_302.

Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 15:43, Tuesday 13 December 2022 (66346)CAL
Extra info on this courtesy of F. Clara (with supplemental info from J. Kissel):

Cable numbers corresponding to info in D1900511-v8, to be updated eventually.

The short ~1 ft length DB9 tee was installed on the rear of the OMC DCPD Whitening Chassis (D2100631, in ISC-R5 Rack at U-height U26).
Existing cable ISC_302 was disconnected from port labeled 'To AA'. 
DB9 tee was put in its place. 
Existing spare cable ISC_426 was disconnected from the back of the "head 3" port of AS WFS RFPD Interface (D1101906, ISC-R5 Rack U-height U30).

Both ISC_302 and ISC_426 cables were then connected to DB9 tee at ISC-R5.

CER end of ISC_302 OMC DCPD cable remains connected to port 4 of 8xDB9 AA chassis (ISC-C1, U-Height U16).
CER end of ISC_426 OMC DCPD cable is now connected to port 1 of new (thus far a pass-through) "524 kHz" 8xDB9 AA chassis (SQZ-C1, U-Height U40).

Photos of the setup are shown in the attached pictures.
 - Front of D2100631 OMC DCPD Whitening Chassis (nothing changed here).
 - Back of D2100631 OMC DCPD Whitening Chassis, showing connection of new DB9 tee.
 - Pigtail End of DB9 tee showing connections to "65 kHz path," ISC_302 and "524 kHz path" ISC_426.
 - AA connection of ISC_426 cable in "524 kHz" AA chassis in SQZ-C1 above new h1omc0 IO chassis.
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