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Reports until 16:27, Wednesday 14 December 2022
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:27, Wednesday 14 December 2022 - last comment - 17:01, Wednesday 14 December 2022(66376)
ETMX ESD bias reduced for PEM injections

I've reduced the bias on ETMX ESD and compensating for the decrease in actuation strength by increasing the L3 DRIVEALIGN_L2L gain.  This is for a test where we will look for noise changes with this configuration compared to our regular configuration, and Robert will do some injections to check that the coupling of grounding noise at EX is really linear with the ESD bias.  

I will have to leave before this test is over, so I'm putting in the alog what I'm putting into a guardian shell to do (and undo) the change.  I've checked with a DARM OLG measurement and adjusted the gain slightly to keep the DARM OLG the same (to preserve the calibration, which isn't accurate but should be the same before and after this change).  We have plently more room in the ESD DAC, so we could try lower biases in the future. 

to get a guardian shell:

guardian -i ISC_LOCK

#to reduce the bias by half and compensate the ESD drive:


ezca['SUS-ETMX_L3_DRIVEALIGN_L2L_GAIN'] = -35.7 /0.5 * (0.35/0.39)  #this final factor is to keep the measured DARM OLG at high freq the same as with full bias
ezca['SUS-ETMX_L3_LOCK_BIAS_GAIN'] = 0.5

#to undo and go back to full bias
ezca['SUS-ETMX_L3_DRIVEALIGN_L2L_GAIN'] = -35.7 



Comments related to this report
elenna.capote@LIGO.ORG - 17:01, Wednesday 14 December 2022 (66378)

I just switched this back to full bias so Robert can do his tests.

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