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Reports until 02:18, Thursday 15 December 2022
jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - posted 02:18, Thursday 15 December 2022 - last comment - 15:58, Thursday 15 December 2022(66381)
ETMY ring heater increased a bit

I have just increased the ETMY ring heater a bit (from 1.2 W per segment to 1.4W per segment) in hopes that that prolongs our locks.

Comments related to this report
jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - 14:46, Thursday 15 December 2022 (66392)

I had made this change thinking that we'd been losing lock due to that PI (alog 66265), but maybe it hasn't been causing us too much trouble the last day or so, regardless of these ring heater settings. 

Attached is a screenshot showing the BLRMS that includes the 10.4 kHz mode (of which the 20.8 kHz peak is almost certainly a harmonic), that indeed last week it was likely causing locklosses, but maybe it hasn't been our culprit the last day or so.  I haven't (yet) looked at the fast DCPD channel for our recent locklosses to see if there is a different PI that's causing trouble. 

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austin.jennings@LIGO.ORG - 15:58, Thursday 15 December 2022 (66397)

I have found another potential PI locklost event, the ring up is not as high but it still looks suspicious. Though I'd note it here.

Update: Might have found another one.

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