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Reports until 11:55, Tuesday 20 December 2022
daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:55, Tuesday 20 December 2022 - last comment - 13:26, Tuesday 20 December 2022(66486)
OMC/OMZ Matrix

A temporary ramping matrix has been added to the ETMX suspension model that let's you select between the LSC signal from the OMC and OMZ models, respectively.

To get the normal behavior with feedbackdriven by the OMC model, H1:SUS-OMC_SEL_1_1 needs to be 1.0 , and H1:SUS-OMC_SEL_1_2 needs to be 0.0.

Under the sitemap OMC menu, there is an LSZ entry that gets you a link to the LSC filters and matrices of the LSC model on the new OMZ front-end.

Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 13:26, Tuesday 20 December 2022 (66488)CAL, CSWG, DAQ, DetChar, OpsInfo
Tagging CAL & DetChar,and a few other potentially interested groups besides ISC.

Adding some visual information to Daniel's verbal description -- this adds the last piece of the software puzzle to have a replica DARM sensing chain (for now, temporarily called "OMZ" and "LSZ" instead of "OMC" and "LSC") that uses the new segregated OMC IO chassis, with the better 18-bit ADC sampled at 524 kHz, folded into the DARM loop. The replica software chain was built, installed, and discussed in LHO:66362, but here, Daniel added a modification to the h1susetmx model at teh top level, such that the user has the choice between receiving DARM_CTRL as normal from the long-range dolphin "reflected memory (RFM)"  inter-process communication (IPC), under the "channel" H1:OMC-ETMX_LOCK_L, or from the new, fast-ADC-informed, replica chain, under the channel "H1:OMZ_ETMX_LOCK_L."

First attachment shows the top-level model modification.

Second attachment shows whereto find links to these new collections of screens for the replica paths on the sitemap. Under the burnt orange OMC menu,
    - the OMZ DCPD selection pulls opens the screen covering all the DCPDA and DCPDB digital signal conditioning (discussed in LHO:66362), and
    - the LSZ screen covers the replica DARM path, shown in the next attachment

Third attachment shows the current version of the LSC screen on top, and the stripped down version of the screen to cover the "LSZ" DARM Control, with the traditional input and output matrices, currently not filled out accurately.

Fourth attachment. Finally, shows the access this new matrix, currently configured to map the normal DARM signal the the LSC and 65 kHz informed signal chain to ETMX. 

So, said differently -- until we're comfortable with this new, 18-bit, lower noise, 524 kHz-sample-rate informed OMC DCPD signal chain, you can find out whether we're *using* this new chain in DARM, by reading the status of this matrix, where again, echoing what Daniel says above:
    H1:SUS-OMC_SEL_1_1 << Running the current 65 kHz 16-bit ADC informed signal chain, 1.0 if in use, 0.0 if not in use.
    H1:SUS-OMC_SEL_1_2 << Running the prototype 524 kHz, 18-bit ADC informed, replica signal chain. 1.0 if in use, 0.0 if not in use.
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