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Reports until 13:38, Friday 23 December 2022
H1 TCS (OpsInfo)
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:38, Friday 23 December 2022 (66548)
Long 24hour CO2 tests this week.

WP 10894  Long 24hour CO2 tests over the week to understand time constants effecting our circulating power transient. 
Suggested by Dan Brown following alog 66523.  Running from tmux session on controls cdsws13.  Using co2_power_temporary_adjust_masks.py

Turn off Sunday 25th Dec 2pm.
Turn on both CO2 lasers for 24 hours annular masks Monday 26th Dec 5pm until Tuesday 27th Dec 5pm. 3.5W in. 
Leave to cool off for 30 hours then turn on CO2 lasers for 24 hours central masks Wednesday 28th 11pm until Thursday Dec 11pm. 4W in. 

I have the powers visible via control room screenshots nuc33 so that I can monitor that they turn off correctly. I will be able to log in remotely and turn them off if there is any issue. Requires ITMs, BS, SR3 to remain aligned.

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