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Reports until 14:46, Thursday 06 June 2013
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:46, Thursday 06 June 2013 (6655)
WBSC2 (BS) SEI HEPI System Unlocked *** Careful Please ***
This chambers Actuators were moved from Bleed to Run State on Tuesday and the IPS sensors zero'd then as well.  Unlocking them today sees significant motion especially as compared to HAM1 this morning.  At HAM1 the motion on release was 2 mils or less.  Here at BSC2 the vertical moved down (uniformly) 13000 counts or about 20 mils.  The horizontal shift was half or less than the vertical shift with the motion being East with some minor CCW rotation.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.