Reports until 10:59, Friday 07 June 2013
H1 SEI - posted 10:59, Friday 07 June 2013 (6670)
HAM1-HEPI - Mechanical Fix

Hugh, Hugo,


The Local Static Offset Test* was performed yesterday on HAM1-HEPI. Corner #2 appeared to be responding less than it should have. (see table 1 of attachment)


We found a contacting point on HAM1-HEPI's pier #2: The Crossbeam Foot was contacting with the Back Caging Brace. (see figures 1 and 2 of attachment)


We loosened the Back Caging Brace, and adjusted its position to leave a cable-tie-wide clearance with the Crossbeam Foot. Other corners have at least this amount of clearance. Corner #3 was a bit tight though. 


Those adjustments seems to have solved the problem per the latest Local Static Offset Test taken yesterday evening. (see table 2 of attachment). 


We will be doing a Range of Motion Test** as soon as we have a chance to confirm that there is no contact point throughout the whole range of motion of HEPI.



*: Drive one actuator (5000cts), and record the local readouts to check for unexpected cross-couplings, and potential contact-points or rubbing.


**: Drive the HEPI through its full range and make sure that range is not limited.

Non-image files attached to this report