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Reports until 09:05, Monday 09 January 2023
H1 TCS (OpsInfo)
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:05, Monday 09 January 2023 - last comment - 16:21, Monday 21 August 2023(66700)
CO2 turned off by ISC_LOCK in DOWN

I un-commented the lines in ISC_LOCK so that both CO2_PWR guardians will again go to NO_OUTPUT in DOWN, initial alignment and manual initial alignment states. This is undoing the change we made in alog 66535. C)2s were on all weekend. I turned them off around 8:15am. We can re-think this change later in the week.

Ryan S locked the IFO with no issues on on Friday while the CO2s remained on but we had only been unlocked for 2 hours. Comparing Ryan's lock to alog 66520, the circulating arm powers still increase by 40kW in the forst 2 hours of lock with the CO2s left on when locking. I predited this would reduce but it didn't.

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camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - 16:21, Monday 21 August 2023 (72360)

I only looked at the 2 hour transient rather than any longer 5 hour transient in the previous plots. Attached are plots comparing the lock with the CO2's left on to the lock before where the CO2s had been off for 3.5 hours before relock. The IFO power looks more stable when the CO2s are turned off between locks. This is the opposite of what's expected in 66523.

As the IFO power was fluctuating between locks it would be best to have got more than one relock with the CO2s on. 

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