Started by searching for home then ran Nutsinee/Kiwamu's RS calibration code tcs/h1/scripts/RS_calib/ (from alog 26195). Calibrated to central masks and accepted changes in svn. Motivation: The RS hasn't been re-calibrated since the CO2Y swap and requested central powers didn't match measured powers in alog 66617.
Ran calibrations with the annular mask and updated the tcs_nom_annular_pwr
in lscparams to get the same 4.08W for CO2X Annular and 1.72W for CO2Y annular that we have been using at POWER_25W. See plot and below lscparams edits:
# Reload CO2 guardians when changing this
- tcs_nom_annular_pwr = {'X': 3,
- 'Y': 1.3
+ tcs_nom_annular_pwr = {'X': 2.2,
+ 'Y': 1.1
CO2Y has strange drops when RS stops moving, see plot. Looks like an electronics issue?
I also ran the random walk script tcs/h1/scripts/RS_calibration/ and CO2_RS_plot_RandomWalk.m.
Results attached. The requested angles and measured angles agree within half a degree as they have in the past: alog 26195.