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Reports until 17:00, Friday 07 June 2013
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:00, Friday 07 June 2013 (6674)
WHAM1 Optical Table Level Check--Out of Level by 2.3mm
With the HAM1 East Door removed and help from MikeL & StefanB, we checked the level/elevation of the Optical Table.  As compared to the elevation measured 1 Oct 2012, the Table is still very close to where it was then, within 0.2mm; caveat: I am using a different elevation reference and we were not able to reach all around the table for a good spacial sampling.

The level however was off: the North Center area of the table was lowest with the Southeast corner higher by 2.3mm.  This makes sense as mass has been added on the North and West sides since it was level +-0.1mm on 1 Oct.  Also to consider, HEPI is floating with fluid flowing.  Before leveling the Optical Table, we will survey the Support Table and level it with HEPI.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.