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Reports until 22:20, Friday 07 June 2013
stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:20, Friday 07 June 2013 (6679)
Interferometer red and green alignment, green beam on HAM1 periscope & red fringes
(Chris, Kiwamu, Mike L., Daniel, Stefan)

We entered HAM1 today, but did not find any green in it. Thus we started to look for some green in HAM2 and HAM3 through the view ports. By far the most useful port turned out to be the view port on the terminating flange of the MC tube - it allows for a clear view of the HAM2 baffle. With some beam wiggling it was easy to establish an alignment that let the green beam bypass the HAM2 baffle and travel all the way to the HAM1 periscope. (We did not move the BS, as BS and PR3 are very degenerate, and for the X-arm we won't have the BS.)

Unfortunately, while the green beam comes down the periscope of HAM1, it does not make it through the HAM1 view port - we can see it hit the vacuum tank. So we will have to go into HAM1 to realign the optics. This however can now be done on the PSL side of HAM1, eliminating any risk of accidentally damaging the septum view ports.

After we had established the PR3 (& BS) alignment that gets the green beam out to HAM1, we again found the red fringes in the arm, using the following procedure: Since we knew an alignment that produced fringes, we beam-walked PR3/PR2 from that location to the PR3 alignment that gets the green beam out, while maintaining arm fringes with PR2. Next we used a IM4/PR2 beam walk to maximize the arm transmitted fringes. Note that this did pull us off the ASC-POB QPD's.... not sure what to make out of this.

Below is a snapshot of both the initial in-air alignment and the current alignment that gets the green beam to HAM1 and red arm flashes.

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