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Reports until 17:13, Friday 13 January 2023
elenna.capote@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:13, Friday 13 January 2023 (66810)
Testing ETMX ESD DAC noise with different bias

[Sheila, Craig, Me]

Sheila posted this alog, and wondered if her results indicated that we are limited by DAC noise from the ETMX ESD 20 bit DAC.

To test this, I took a look at Jeff Kissel's guardian state, TURN_ON_SUS_DAC_DITHERS, that he created and we have not yet placed in our locking ladder. I used his code in my own script "DAC_dither_chop.py", that would turn on a dither in the ETMX L3 ESD for five minutes, and then off for five minutes so we could compare the effect. This script is currently saved in my home directory, but I will soon move it to the gitcommon labutils.

Using Jeff's code required a few changes, first he uses the LKIN2OSEM matrices, but for L3 we need to use the LKIN2ESD matrix. Also, he set a DAC dither drive of 60,000, which is the same that LLO uses (we referenced this alog and the LLO guardian script for guidance). However, I set up my script to use an amplitude of 600. When running with this drive amplitude, the L3 MASTER OUT RMS was about 77400 counts (21800 pp), which is about a quarter of the DAC range. We believe this was sufficient for the test, and driving with the L2 amplitude would kill our lock.

Sheila and I ran this test in NLN_CAL_MEAS twice (no ADS, PCal or awg lines), once with the ESD at full bias, and again with the ESD at quarter bias. We changed the bias using the same method Sheila describes in her recent alog. We made a comparison plot which is attached here, which uses the OAF clean channel with LSC cleaning engaged. We see similar results to her other alog: full bias has lower noise than 1/4 bias. However, we do not see dependence of the noise on the dac dither. ("Current trace" is a trace with full bias, dac dither off).

Here are the GPS times for our on/off test. All tests ran for 5 minutes:

Bias Dither GPS Time Notes
1/4 On 1357684075  
1/4 Off 1357684377  
1/4 On 1357684679  
1/4 Off 1357684982  
Full On 1357686064  
Full Off 1357686366  
Full On 1357686668 Contains glitch
Full Off 1357686970 Contains glitch

We have some remaining questions or ideas for what's next:

Some final notes about implementing our DAC dithers in general:


***DAC dither code is now in gitcommon/labutils/DAC_dithers

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