Reports until 21:53, Wednesday 18 January 2023
dhruva.ganapathy@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:53, Wednesday 18 January 2023 (66877)
SQZ with different PSAMS

Vicky, Dhruva

Today while locking, we stopped at 2W for a bit to see if it was possible to get different amounts of squeezing at lower power. We also changed PSAMs to see if we could get more squeezing and it turns out that reducing the PSAMs voltage gave us a bit more squeezing than the amount we were seeing at 200V/200V. We measured squeezing at a bunch of different PSAMs and found that the best squeezing was at 110V/110V (around 3.8dB). We decided to keep this PSAMs configuration while powering up. At 60W, we saw less squeezing (3.3dB at high frequency) for the same PSAMs configuration, but still as flat as before (very strange). We took some long data sets for subtraction. It seems like the FC detuning was a bit off today and there was some remaining misrotation in the FDS curve. The mystery excess noise between 100Hz and 1kHz also seems to have disappeared. 

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