Reports until 19:15, Monday 10 June 2013
stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:15, Monday 10 June 2013 (6695)
Beating the corner ALS
(Alexa, Kiwamu, Daniel, Stefan)

Since the HAM1 was leveled, we first fine-tweaked the PR3 alignment to maximize the ALS-C_TRY_A_DC signal.
New PR3 alignment: P:-150, Y:125 (i.e. we moved -5ct in pitch). We have not re-tweaked the IR beam.

Then we build the beat node path on ISCT1. Daniel fixed the SHG TEC (I have not idea how). So far we only used Kiwamu's pre-calculated mode-matching solution, without fine-tweaking it. We had to steel a power supply diode from a neighboring table to power the 18V needed for the broad-band PD. (Needs its own power cable.)

With all that we got a nice beat-node up to 100mVpkk (out of about 600mVpkk that we guess from a back-of-the-envelope estimate). Still room for improvement. Most importantly though, the beam was fluctuating a lot. We need to revisit the ETM and ITM suspensions/ISIs.

Also I did fine-tweak the transmission monitor table (TMTS) alignment slightly in pitch to reduce the arm intensity fluctuations: from -14400 to -13820 counts.
The arm is still moving too much tough.

To do next:
- Stabilize the ETM and ITM to reduce arm motion
- Measure beam profile out of the corner SHG
- Measure beam profile out of the arm
- Wire the beat node PD's power cable
- Configure the electronics for feeding back to the input mode cleaner CM board.

On that note: We should really change our nomenclature for the "Common Mode Board". The name is purely historical. We have so many of those now, and most of them have very little to do with a "common mode". My proposal: the "Sigg Servo Board"...