Reports until 15:10, Tuesday 11 June 2013
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:10, Tuesday 11 June 2013 (6708)
CDS maintenance summary

WP3963. Jim, Cyrus and Dave. The 5595 RFM switches in the MSR and EY computer racks were connected to each other with single mode fiber optics cable. The ports used on the long haul patch panels were in conformance with Richard's drawing. The order of the front ends on the Y arm loop and node ids were verified. To permit DMA transfer of RFM data, the IOP models h1iopiscey and h1ioplsc0 were modified to add the rfm_dma flag to the CDS part. All models on these two front ends were restarted. Chris W modifed the h1iscey and h1lsc models to use RFM IPC and verified this is working. One problem he encountered was a build error with the h1lsc model, it uses RFM CARD=1 while h1iscey uses RFM CARD=0. A work around suggested by Rolf is to force h1iscey to use CARD=1 even though there is only one physical card, this fixed the error. This closes WP3963.

WP3961. The DAQ broadcaster was reconfigured to add a large number of DAQ channels needed for the DMT monitoring of the H1IFOY run. This closes WP3961.

ECAT EDCU. The DAQ was reconfigured to add three ECAT EDCU INI files, adding about 3,300 slow channels to the DAQ.

To support the above changes and other user changes, the DAQ was restarted multiple times today.