Reports until 21:33, Tuesday 11 June 2013
daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:33, Tuesday 11 June 2013 (6713)
new ISC models
(Chris, Alexa, Daniel)

We loaded the most recent LSC model from LLO. It includes inputs for the ALS channels as well as input from EY. It includes outputs to all suspensions controlled by LSC. The slow controls locking signals from the end ALS systems are now fed through the LSC input matrix and filter modules.

A new ISC model was loaded into EY. It has the following features:
- Removed remaining code related to green WFSs,
- Send slow arm feedback from the ALS REFL PHD locking to corner,
- Send transmitted power to corner,
- Added normalized sum for QPDs,
- Added communications library to interact directly with EtherCAT system, and
- Some filter and channel names have changed to make them more consistent between the slow and fast systems.

The EtherCAT computers ECATEX(Y) were renamed into ECATX(Y)1.

Duplicated channels in the EtherCAT system (SYS-COMM) were fixed. Some channel names had to be shortened as well. New DAQ ini files were generated and loaded for corner PLC2, EY PLC1 and EY PLC2. The auotburt files for ECAT systems were updated as well. They were copied into $(USERAPPS)/ecat.

A new subsystem directory was added to svn, $(USERAPPS)/als. All ALS medm screens have been moved over from the isc directory. So, more clean up work is still required.

New substitution rules were defined for ISC to allow parametrization of the end station screens. A list of example replacement strings can be found in $(USERAPPS)/isc/common/medm/isc_macro_subst.txt.

A large effort is underway to update all ALS and end station screens to use the new substitution rules. This will allow screens to work in both end stations without change. It will allow screens to work on both sites. And it will bring some order into the parameter names, so they can be used more consistently.