Reports until 15:42, Wednesday 12 June 2013
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:42, Wednesday 12 June 2013 - last comment - 18:21, Wednesday 12 June 2013(6717)
h1seib2 crash, most front ends marked with bad daq status

The seismic BS front end h1seib2 crashed after it was "daq reloaded" (following a hand edit of its DAQ INI file).  This caused most of the corner station front end models to be marked as 0xbad by the DAQ. I did the following

At this point all the front end models went into good 0x0 DAQ status. 

After power was restored, the h1iopseib2 model did not autostart, I restarted it by manually pressing the BURT button on the GDS_TP medm at the appropriate time. I was then able to start the models h1isibs and h1hpibs.

At this point the following models were reporting INI changes: h1isiitmy, h1isibs and h1isietmy with a DAQ status of 0x2000. I restarted the DAQ and all is now good.

Comments related to this report
keith.thorne@LIGO.ORG - 18:21, Wednesday 12 June 2013 (6724)
The existing may not be helping.  The older versions of this script as detailed in the aLIGO wikiFrontEndStart, the old asserted card 0, slot 0 instead of merely cycling /etc/init.d/mx_stream.  Of course this may have been fixed at LHO.