Reports until 11:58, Tuesday 07 February 2023
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:58, Tuesday 07 February 2023 - last comment - 11:21, Monday 06 March 2023(67262)
Noise Budget Dark Noise Reference Updated.

After the OMC DCPD ADC and chassis changes (alog67110). Sheila and I re-measured the dark noise on H1:OMC-DCPD_SUM_OUT with IMC offline, SQZ beam diverter and ALS shutters closed. Before 2016/11/01 22:40 UTC (Blue) and after 2023/02/07 19:34 UTC (Red) plot attached. We saved this reference in the /ligo/gitcommon/NoiseBudget/aligoNB/aligoNB/H1/couplings/Reference_noises.xml template as the new Ref 10, committed and checked that the /production_code/H1/ script used this as the new dark noise reference.

Above 100Hz this is a factor of 2.7 improvement (old 1.2e-14 / new 4.5e-15). See plot attatched which also incudes the signal with IFO locked at NLN on 2023/02/01 08:29:56 UTC. The new dark noise is more than a factor of 10 below this. All dates YYYY/MM/DD UTC time. 

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elenna.capote@LIGO.ORG - 11:21, Monday 06 March 2023 (67786)

Jeff, Daniel and I have conferred and we think the calibration on this was applied slightly backwards. The OMC DCPDs are already calibrated into milliAmps, so the calibration to Amps/rtHz in this template should be a gain of 1e-3, not 1e-06, as it was before. I have updated the calibration and I am attaching the corrected spectrum.

I am saving the corrected file in my directory because I can't write to Camilla's where the template is located. See /ligo/home/elenna.capote/Reference_noises.xml

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