Reports until 16:00, Thursday 13 June 2013
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:00, Thursday 13 June 2013 (6745)
EX TMS Lab Operational

With lots of work by many over the last few weeks, we are at a point where the TMS Lab is Operational.  We still have a few more parts to bring down there, but for the most part, we are getting there.  Assembly work (i.e. parts being un-bagged could happen next week) is coming soon and we'll want to transition access to this lab to requiring Full "Bunny" Suit garb (will put a sign up saying so when we are assembling). 

We also moved a Dust Monitor from EY to EX (it wasn't on the network and I notified Patrick about this).

There is a visible air gap in the Entry Door to the lab.  I've been told we covered this up for EY, so we'll want to probably mimic that soon (because Chris has noticed quite a few bugs in this room during her daily cleaning.