Logged in around 02:30 PT and mode 8 had been ringing up slowly all day. I tried some different gain settings but it didn't like a positive gains or anything less than -0.1. Adding more phase made things worse, but -60 degrees and a gain of -0.5 is damping it nicely at the moment (FM 1,2,10). I didn't push it further so maybe a larger gain and even less phase might help more? I haven't added any of this to the guardian.
Switched AWG lines on at 1360841500. Turned ETMX ring heater up from 0 -> 0.4W on each segment at 1360842795. Two aims:
Calibration wise it seems that a 0.4W step in ETMX RH power will reduce the 2nd order HOM frequencies by about 100Hz. This however isn't a simple linear change though, as changing the RH can also drops the circulating power in both arms which introduces more shifts in the HOM resonance.
You can see this effect in the orange and red traces. Here increasing the ETMX RH is reducing the arm circulating power from 370 to 350 kW, which in turn moves the Y arm modes lower in frequency. A large step was taken between orange and red of 0.8W the aim to move the HOM resonance through 10.4kHz quickly - this worked fine. There is a reasonable reduction in HF frequency noise couping in the red curve as can be seen. I didn't manage to get both arms to overlap their modes unfortunately.
Craig has some broadband measurements for the low frequency coupling I'm sure he'll upload.
To improve the build ups I tried some small annular CO2 changes but it did not really make any big improvement to the PRG and arm powers, as we'd need to be winning back 20kW. After this I tried reducing ETMY to bring the Y modes up in frequency to overlap better with the X arm. However this improved the buildups which pushed the X modes up slowly into 10.4 kHz which was enough to cause it to ring up the acoustic mode that eventually caused a lockloss. If I had spotted it sooner then maybe switching off the ETMX RH would have moved the HOMs up fast enough it wouldn't have been an issue.
During the broadband frequency noise injections, you could also see these X and Y HOM peaks increase significantly, so the reason we can see these peaks so clearly at the moment is because the laser noise is so high.
I have accepted H1:TCS-ETM{X,Y}_RH_INVERSE_FILTER_GAIN in sdf.