Reports until 11:51, Friday 14 June 2013
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:51, Friday 14 June 2013 (6758)
First install of HEPI and ISI models for HAMs 4,5,6

Hugo and Dave.

We started the first version of the HPI and ISI models for HAM4,5,6 this morning. h1boot's rtsystab file was extended. The DAQ master file was reconfigured for the new INI and PAR files. After two restarts due to channel duplication we were done by 11am (started at 10:33). The EPICS gateway did not reconnect to the DAQ cleanly, so I restarted the h1fe-cds gateway.

The DAQ has increased in size by the following

  before after
num chans 150,000 168,000
frame size (MB for 32 sec frame) 317 348
frame data rate (MBps) 9.9 10.9

We have officially exceeded the LDAS 10MByte/sec limit.