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Reports until 14:59, Friday 14 June 2013
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:59, Friday 14 June 2013 (6762)
Output Mode Cleaner - Models and MEDM ready for both ISIs and HEPIs

Models were made for the ISIs of the Output Mode Cleaner yesterday

I made the related HEPI models today.

Those new models started this morning (both ISI and HEPI). The DAQ was restarted as well to account for the new channels.

The sitemap was updated, and safe.snap files were created.

All files (models, sitemap, macro substitution text files and safe.snap) are commited under the SVN.


This preliminary work will allow checking sensors on OMC ISIs and HEPIs, prior to the actual commissioning start.

Work was performed under WP3974 which is now closed.

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