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Reports until 10:11, Tuesday 18 June 2013
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:11, Tuesday 18 June 2013 (6788)
checked and tuned fiber polarization controller

[Richard, Daniel, Kiwamu]

 Richard and I took a look at the fiber connections around the fiber polarization controller in the MSR this morning because the output fiber seemed flaky yesterday (alog 6786). However we were unable to reproduce the same situation --- wiggling the fiber didn't change the power transmitted to the end station. So the symptom we saw yesterday is gone for whatever reasons.

Besides, Daniel and I tuned up the polarization controller since this seemed adding another loss of factor of 2-ish due to the wrong polarization. We rotated the knobs in the front panel of the controller box to minimize the rejected light on ISCTEY. The picture below is the setup for the polarization box after the tuning :

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