Reports until 16:30, Tuesday 18 June 2013
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:30, Tuesday 18 June 2013 (6794)
ETMx QUAD Upper Suspension Installed

Travis, Betsy, Joe O'Dell (RAL, UK)

This afternoon, after jockying the genie lift and the Upper Structure numerous times under the test stand, we finally managed to install it on the BSC 9 ISI which is parked on the test stand.  The QUAD is tucked into a corner of the ISI with only inches of room to between it and the test stand on 2 sides.  This will make for another painful assembly due to this.  At least there's a gap between a few stages on the ISI which we can crawl through to reach areas we need to access on the QUAD.

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