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Reports until 21:31, Tuesday 18 June 2013
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:31, Tuesday 18 June 2013 (6799)
video switch
Dave B., Jim B., Patrick T.

The code for the Knox Chameleon HB video switch was started in screens on h0epics2 today. The module version is knox_chameleon_hb-1.0.2. The IOC version is video_knox_chameleon_hb-1.0.1. The sequencer version is seq-2.1.12. These reside in /ligo/apps/linux-x86_64/epics- and were compiled on cdsws0. The target is in /ligo/lho/h0/target/h0video.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.