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Reports until 00:28, Tuesday 14 March 2023
koji.arai@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:28, Tuesday 14 March 2023 - last comment - 17:20, Tuesday 14 March 2023(67968)
OMC ASC: QPD offset sweep

[Vicky, Koji]

At the current Nominal Low Noise state, OMC QPD A and B are used for OMC ASC. The OMC is made such that the beam spots are NOT on the center of the QPDs.
We wanted to check the dependence of the optical gain, the squeezer beam mode matching, and the other noise couplings (sqeezed level, jitter, low freq noises, and so on) with the OMC alignment.

We set the new offset values to be
- The OMC ASC offsets for the QPDs are added at the filter modules H1OMC-ASC_QPD_X_YYY (X=A or B, YYY=PIT or YAW) and the conventional values are

- We want to sweep these offsets one by one and check the following quantities
  1) DARM optical gain:
  The optical gain (aka the IFO beam mode match) change is partially compensated by the increase of the darm offset to keep the DCPD DC value.
  Therefore the IFO beam mode match is supposed to be proportional to the square of this value assuming the IFO optical gain itself is stationary. (cf LHO ALOG 67963 by Craig)

  2) Squeezer mode matching
  -> Monitor the integrated RMS of the calibrated DARM (H1:CAL-DELTAL_EXTERNAL_DQ) around 725Hz. In fact,H1:SQZ-DCPD_RATIO_3_MON corresponds to this value. We measure both.
  -> We also injected 1300Hz line from the squeezer. This should tell us how much the squeezer field is transmitted (we need to think about it a bit).

  3) Jitter noise coupling
  -> Monitor the integrated RMS of the calibrated DARM around (say) 100~200Hz

  4) Other noise coupling
  -> Monitor the integrated RMS of the calibrated DARM around (say) 20~80Hz
     or Monitor the integrated RMS of the ratio with between the DARM and the reference DARM spectrum taken at the nominal offset values.

  5) Just as a reference, turn on the OMC ASC dither lines and monitor the dither error signals (10s avg value):

- Sweep an offset up and down from the current nominal value, until we see (at least) one of the above quantities gets degraded. Determine the best point from the data points (at least 5 pts, ideally 7 pts or more) for each index.

- If possible repeat the sweep at around the new best offset, as the iteration.

How it went
- We made a script to measure the above values and save H1:CAL-DELTAL_EXTERNAL_DQ spectra into files.
- The offsets were changed with the order of P1, P2, Y1, and Y2.
- We monitored OMC SUS DAC outputs such that they do not exceed the 50% F.S. (we believe the FS is 2^17 count = 131k)
- We used the shot noise level (above 2.) as our reference to optimize the offsets. But the level was drifting so it was a bit confusing.
- P1 and P2 didn't make much change around the conventional offset values.
- Y1 wanted to go positive. Y2 wanted to go negative.
- The new offset shown at the beginning was thus determined.
- The BNS range during the measurement and adjustment was ~120Mpc and it was not at the best state.
- The detailed analysis of each index will come later.
- The new offsets were saved in SDF.
Comments related to this report
koji.arai@LIGO.ORG - 17:20, Tuesday 14 March 2023 (67996)

Measurement analysis can be found at LHO ALOG 67994

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